Cavities are investing chronic disease.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2012 there were about 60-90 % of the population of a country who have cavities. And cavities are "investment for chronic diseases" said Dr drg Rini Zaura Anggraeni MDS How to keep your teeth?
To keep your teeth and mouth healthy, some things that sometimes sound trivial needs to be done. Here are tips about how to care for your teeth :
~Brush your teeth at least twice daily with a toothpaste containing fluoride, when is the right time to brush your teeth? After breakfast and before bedtime~
~Once a week, gargle with mouthwash. This can help prevent plaque and tartar~
~Brush your teeth well and correctly, this is by reaching out to the entire
surface of the tooth with the direction of the gums to the teeth~
~Be careful in the use of tooth whitening~
~Choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles~
~Reduce consumption of foods containing sugar such as sweets or starchy foods~
~Consumption of fruit and vegetables to clean the teeth such as apples, carrots, and celery~
~Limit red wine, coffee, and tea~
~Stop Smoking~
~Make checks to the dentist every six month on a regular basis~
Secret of a successful diet is an effective body metabolism working to burn calories. Unfortunately, many women are unwittingly thwart calorie burning potential with a strict diet that is misguided, ineffective exercise strategies, and other habits that increasingly slows metabolism. As the errors below :
Mistake 1 : Only rely on portable scales at home
Portable scales designed only to calculate how many kilograms your overall body weight, con not count the amount of fat and muscle mass you, People who figures scales are ideal, not necessarily ideal fat mass and muscle. In fact, the less muscle mass you have, the slower your body's ability to burn excess fat and calories.
"She weighs 55 kilograms with 20-25% fat mass (fat mass base), in a single day can burn 200 calories more than women equally weighted with fat percentage of 40% (typically women aged 40 years and over) said David C. Nieman, Dr.PH, director of the human performance Laboratory Appalachian state university.
Mistake 2 : A strict diet a big meal
Eating too much can not redeem by letting you starve the body afterward. Habits like this would cut the metabolic rate by up to 25% lower than usual. If guilt then you only consume 400-800 calories a day, your metabolism will drop by 15-20%. Plus, the body will burn muscle tissue that you need to e able to move and exercise normally. The result? The slower your metabolism.
Mistake 3 : Only Cardio exercise
If you never make the muscles work hard, for example with weight training, you will lose about two kilograms of muscle mass every decade, said Wayne L. Westcott,Ph.D, fitness research director at the south shore YMCA in Quincy, Ma. Cardiovascular exercise (such as walking, cycling, swimming or aerobics) is very good for your health, but not heavy enough to build muscle mass. "Only strength training or burden that could put pressure strong enough to muscle in order to form properly so that burning calories more effectively.